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What have we done today? – by Emma

Khövsgöl Nuur Nationalpark – Somewhere in the

Well, we have been sitting in the car, driving. Driving and driving a little more. Sadly enough, we had to leave the beautiful lake Khövsgöl and our lovely host Dawa, because we have this tight schedule.

8.30 o’clock in the morning I am up watching the sunset over the lake and Luke slept (surprisingly enough …) when Dawa came to our Ger with breakfast. Bread, homemade butter, jam, fried eggs and tea. We enjoyed the breakfast, took some photos with the family and left.

We were «looking forward» to only five to six hours in the car, but when the five to six hours turned into eleven hours we were pretty tired and our motivation according to this whole trip / adventure started to slowly fade away.

It is not always bumpy and boring to sit in the car, even though it is, most of the time. We enjoy each other’s company, including our driver’s and our hitchhiker’a although they don’t know a word in english. Funny things seem to happen on the road, so that we can all laugh about. For example, Luke borrowed our drivers lighter and lost it. He bought a new one and the driver placed it between the front seats in the car – right above the engine. Suddenly in the middle of nowhere there was an explosion. I totally forgot about the extension of fluids in warm environment. I can tell you that I really had some exercise for my stomach muscles afterwards.

When we finally arrived at the top of a beautiful mongolian hill we sat the tent up (it is a good thing, that I was a scout, when I was a kid, since I seem to be MacGyver in this company …) (that’s not correct – Luke) and cooked some dinner (well that is correct). While waiting for the pasta water to boil, they practiced some handstands and climbed a tree. I was the photographer.

The day ended in the tent with a bottle of whine listening to the rain outside.

Important note: Luke finished his first english book! Congrats to him. Now he only have 15 to go if he wants too keep up with me … (EMMA!!! – Luke)

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Individueller Massentourist, Tourismusfachmann und Ex-Polygraf mit der Liebe zum Entdecken und Festhalten in Wort und Bild. Süchtig nach Reiseideen. Kennt den ÖV der Welt auswendig. 
Tatsächliche Reiseerfahrung von 1400 Reisetagen Weltweit. 

​© 2020 - Operation Rückenwind by Lukas Marchesi

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